Delphine Vagner
Certified Interpreter and Translator MA
My activity as a freelancer started back in 2011 while I was still studying at university in Saarbrücken.
From small interpreting assignments and short general translations, I worked my way up to interpreting for Generals and Head of State, writing columns for blogs and editing researchers' articles.
As I was myself still a student, I made a living by teaching languages and Krav Maga, which gave me good insights on how different people learn and what the best teaching strategies can be, depending on one's expectations, needs, and given capabilities.
While I can occasionally enjoy Netflixing and playing the part of a successful couch potato, I prefer pushing back my boundaries by engaging in new sports, taking up new classes or challenging my capabilities in a military setting.

State Diploma for Interpreters - Saarland (DE)
M.A. Translation Sciences - Saarland University (DE)
B.A. Logistics - ISFATES/DFHI - University of Metz (FR)
Bulgaricum - Sofia University (BG)
TORFL-1 - Tomsk University of Applied Sciences (RU)
Internal Security Diploma - University of Nancy (FR)
Sworn translator and Interpreter (Luxembourg)
Interpreter, Translator and Copywriter at delva
Team Leader (Sgt.) - French Armed Forces
Independent Teacher
Languages (who would have thought?)
Running, crossfit, self-defence, swimming
Classical singing
History & geopolitics